Test tubes

Test tubes 10 ccm and 15 ccm
The test tubes (unsterile) are intended for taking and storing of samples, particularly of biological material, for some laboratory tests, chemical reactions etc.
The test tubes (sterile) are intended for taking and storing of samples, transport and storage of samples of blood and other biological materials. The product is intended for in vitro diagnostic of human samples in clinical practice together with other medical device.

Test tube 10 ccm PS V400912

Test tube 10 ccm PP V400945

Test tube 10 ccm PS - sterile V400914

Test tube 10 ccm PS - sterile without plug V400523

Test tube 10 ccm PP - sterile V400942

Test tube 15 ccm PS V400913

Test tube 15 ccm PP V400946

Test tube 15 ccm PS - sterile V400915

Test tube 15 ccm PP - sterile V400941

Test tube 15 ccm PS - sterile without plug V400526
Plugs for test tubes 10 ccm and 15 ccm
The plugs are used for tight closure of plastic test tubes.