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Sampling kits and other

Sampling kits and other

The sampling kits  for TSE, for  BSE - for sheep and goats  are intended for taking of biological material - brain stem for the purpose of virological diagnosis of BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) of cattle and  TSE  (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies -  scrapia of sheep and goats. Reg. No. with USKVBL Brno: VTP001/03-C.
Sampling kit  PROBANG TEST is intended for taking of biological material - oesophag, oesopharyngeal and pharyngeal mucosa of cattle for the purpose of virological diagnosis of SLAK (epizootic aphtha). Reg. No. with USKVBL Brno: VTP004/04-C.
The scrapers  big, small   are intended for taking of biological material - brain stem for the purpose of virological diagnosis of BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) of cattle and  TSE (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies -scrapia of sheep and goats). Reg. No. with USKVBL Brno: VTP003/04-C.

Blood-taking set OS-VET is used for collecting a large volume of sterile blood from animals in a suitable collection bottle.Reg.No. with USKVBL Brno: VTP/018/16-C.